Team Training at Xperience Fitness

Xperience Fitness is an ever-growing and evolving gym. We tailor our services to the needs and desires of our clients because that’s what makes us succeed. New in 2022 is Team Training, otherwise known as T2 for short. Team Training is a group fitness curriculum divided into four different classes. If you’re familiar with Q high-intensity interval training, you will want to know about T2.

Essentially, T2 is the replacement of Q. In years past, Q served as our premier HIIT class and T2 is expanding on that. Much like Q, T2 involves 45-minute long classes that are designed to a singular focus of either building muscle, burning calories, or improving performance. These classes are Strong, Fit, Warrior, and Q (this class remains the same as the Q of old).

We have a short blog series relating to T2 and you can read up on each T2 class by clicking the links below.

Team Training: Strong

Team Training: Fit

Team Training: Warrior

Team Training: Q HIIT

Who Can Do Team Training at Xperience Fitness?

Team Training is available to all Orange Card members. For just $59.99 per month, you can come to any T2 class any time you want, in addition to having every other amenity available to you. Upgrade to the Orange Card here if you haven’t already.

We are excited that Team Training is here and we can’t wait to see you in the studio, ready to maximize your fitness routine!