How HIIT Can Burn Calories AFTER Your Workout

people doing russian twists

If you’re not familiar with HIIT (short for high-intensity interval training), let us quickly explain it to you. HIIT, called Team Training or T2 here at Xperience Fitness, is an exercise routine designed to burn tons of calories in a short amount of time. T2 classes last 40-45 minutes and feature four different stations. Participants normally work out in a 30-30 split, meaning 30 seconds of exercise followed by 30 seconds of rest. There are specific about each style of class you can read about here, but for now, we’re going to talk about the lasting benefits of HIIT.

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How You Can Burn Calories After Exercising

Chances are you know that exercising causes you to burn calories. A calorie is a unit of energy that makes it easy for us to determine what our body takes in and what we burn off. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will be on track to lose weight. If you eat more calories than you expel, you will be on a course towards gaining weight. Of course, that’s a very simple way to define the situation, but it gets the point across. With intense workouts like the ones done at T2, however, the exercises actually cause your metabolism to skyrocket. Your metabolism is your body’s natural way of burning calories. So, with a faster metabolism, not only will you burn calories during your workout, but you will continue to do so for up to 36 hours after!

Interested in T2? Sign up for the Orange Card by filling out the form below, and we’ll see you at our next class! For Minnesota members, see this T2 schedule. For Appleton and Green Bay members, click here. And for Milwaukee-area members, check out this link.