Can Cryotherapy Enhance Athletic Performance?

female runner stretching out

Since the inception of competitive sports many centuries ago, human beings have been fascinated with competition. And as long as we have competed, we have tried to get stronger and recover more easily. In recent years, cryotherapy has become the recovery method of choice for many athletes around the world. How does it help people recover and why do athletes love it?

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What does cryotherapy do?

Cryotherapy is a quick and easy way to help the body recover after working out. Ice baths used to be the way to go, but cryo is a much more efficient means to the same end. Ice baths are uncomfortable and can take up to 30 minutes long. Cryo, meanwhile, lasts only a few minutes and involves the participant either entering a cold chamber for full-body therapy or using a special device for localized cryotherapy on one specific body part. You can learn more about localized cryotherapy here. Both methods are meant to reduce muscle inflammation, ease soreness, and expedite recovery, cryo just does so much more quickly and easily.

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But can all of this actually improve performance on the field or court? Absolutely it can! Recovery is one of the most important parts of anyone’s workout routine. By relieving stress on the muscles and joints, athletes will be quicker and more agile the following day. Consistent use of cryotherapy after a game or practice will result in overall healthier muscles and enhanced performance. With more fluidity, flexibility, and mobility, you will feel better than ever come gametime. And unlike ice baths, you can be active immediately after undergoing cryo. Meaning, if some extra localized treatment is needed on a sore ankle prior to gametime, you can quickly do some localized therapy for just a few minutes!

All in all, cryotherapy is a great way for anyone (especially athletes) to help their body recover after some taxing exercise. Check out more of our articles to learn more!