Healthy Labor Day Ideas

man riding bike wearing backpack

Labor Day, for most of us, is a much-needed day off as the summer nears its end. Who doesn’t love a three-day weekend? Well, we thought we would put together a shortlist of some fun and healthy activities to do on your day off. After all, Labor Day marks the ceremonial end of summer, so why not have fun and be happy with it?

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Healthy Activities to do on Labor Day

Bike Ride

As one of the last true days of summer, you should take advantage and get outside. Assuming the kids have off of school, round up the family for a bike ride around the neighborhood or across town. Pick out a nearby park and pack a picnic that you can carry with a backpack cooler and bam, you’ve got yourself a wholesome, fun, and healthy afternoon planned!


Don’t have a working bike? Or don’t feel like dealing with traffic? Head out to any nearby park or trail and get your steps in. Hiking is relaxing and lets you reconnect with the natural world. And it doesn’t require any kind of equipment outside of some capable walking shoes or boots.

Cook Out

Why not have family and friends over for a fun, healthy backyard barbecue? Cook up some corn on the cob, chicken breast, kebabs, salmon, and have some fresh garden salad on the side! Pair all of that delicious food with yard games or a campfire.


How about one last trip to the campsite for the year? Camping is a long-standing tradition for so many families. If you camp near a lake, a day out on (or in) the water is a great way to wrap up summer and it acts as great exercise too! You won’t regret packing up the camper one final time before the cold weather returns.