What is the Importance of a 3D Body Scan?

woman using 3d body scanner

You may have seen or heard about the 3D body scanners in our fitness clubs, but perhaps you haven’t used one or haven’t learned much about them. Why bother seeing a 3D animated image of what you already see every day? Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of using our 3D body scanner.

Visual aid

The 3D avatars created by these machines give our clients a visual reference to use when tracking their progress. You can see in the scan where you have improved and where you might be lagging more easily than you can see in the mirror. This technology allows you to be more knowledgeable about how you are doing and what you can be doing to improve!

Fit3D scanner in action

Additional measurements

It’s generally pretty easy to measure your own height or weight. While our body scanners do this, they can also determine measurements of your arms, thighs, waist, and chest as well as your body fat percentage. This allows you to have a full understanding of where you are in your progress.


Above all else, a 3D body scan acts as a last line of accountability. Seeing your progress or lack thereof via the scanner is a big motivating tool for our customers. If you don’t work with a personal trainer, it can be hard to find someone (or something) besides yourself to help you stick to your goals. By seeing your results within the scanner, the scanner itself is reminding you of your goals and showing you how close or far you are from achieving them.

Get scanned today