Why a Spin Class Should be Your Next Workout

man riding an indoor bicycle while smiling

Why a Spin Class Should be Your Next Workout

Cycling is an activity that is typically enjoyed outdoors. But, if you live in an area where cycling is not accessible or safe, or the weather is less than ideal, or you do not have enough time to take your bike out, cycling outdoors may not be a reliable workout. Luckily, there is another option.

An indoor spin class allows you to reap the all of the benefits of cycling while guaranteeing a constant environment and will be sure to remain within an allotted time frame, allowing you to fit a class into your already busy schedule.

Why join a spin class?

Anyone can do it

A spin class can be a little intimidating if you have never done one before. But spinning is a workout anybody can do, whether it is your first time on an indoor bike or you have extensively trained for a bicycle race. Your bike allows you to set your resistance to best fit your needs, giving you a personalized workout in a group class.

It is a unique experience

A spin class can often feel more like a party than a workout, with loud music playing as you pedal to the beat, an encouraging instructor, and a group of people moving in rhythm. Cycling outdoors is beneficial when you want to clear your head and spend some time in nature, but if you are searching for motivation, working out in a group of people who share similar goals to you and having an instructor to cheer you on can make all the difference in the quality and intensity of your workout.

You gain a supportive community

In a spin class, everyone is experiencing the ride with you. On your own, a difficult ride could send you home early. But in a spin class, you can look around and see people working just as hard as you, pushing you to finish the workout strong.

It is an amazing total-body workout

Spin not only benefits your muscles – from your legs to your core – it is also an unbelievable low-impact cardiovascular workout. Cardio improves your blood flow, increases your stamina, boosts your mood, and prevents against chronic diseases, according to Mayo Clinic.

Since it is an intense workout, you will burn the calories to match. A one hour class can help you scorch about 400-600 calories, but depending on your intensity, you could burn more.

It’s convenient

Biking outside could take hours to complete, depending on the type of workout you are striving for or the time it takes to get to a biking location. A spin class is a great alternative to easily fit in your busy schedule. But do not worry, exercising for a shorter amount of time does not mean you are not getting just as effective of a workout. A 130-pound person riding outside at an average of 15 mph for an hour and a half will burn around 700 calories, which is just a small amount more at about double the time of a spin class.

It is low impact

In short, a low-impact exercise is where at least one of your feet remains in contact with the ground at all times. Low-impact exercises are beneficial for those recovering from an injury or older adults looking for a way to stay active without putting extra pressure on their joints.

Where can I spin?

To celebrate National Bike Month, try out one of Xperience Fitness’s four spin classes:

  • Cyclesculptcombines indoor cycling, off-the-bike strength training and core training. With this class, you are guaranteed to get the ultimate total-body circuit training program that allows you to experience an incredible aerobic workout, while strengthening your upper body and core.
  • Ride incorporates intervals and sprints designed to build your endurance, power, and speed.
  • RPM is a pre-choreographed cycling workout where you get to ride to the rhythm of powerful music.
  • Sprint is a 30-minute high-intensity interval training cycling workout. Don’t let the length of time fool you, this is an intense class that will force you to push your mental and physical limits. Even after this class ends, your body will continue torching calories for hours.

Spinning is a great exercise, but you should speak with your doctor before beginning a new workout routine.

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