8 Exercises to Relieve Stress Fast

happy person exercising

8 Exercises to Relieve Stress Fast

Exercise is one of the fastest ways to relieve stress, especially when it is combined with mindful breathing techniques. The best part about exercise alleviating stress is that you do not have to engage in rigorous exercises to reap the benefits. Anything from a walk around the block to stretching will do the trick. However, there are a few exercises that may reduce your stress more than others.

Since April was National Stress Awareness Month, relax, and read 8 tips on relieving stress through exercise below.

High-energy activities


High-energy activities, like running, dancing and cycling, all induce an increased heart rate. When your heart rate increases, your body releases endorphins, natural feel-good hormones. If you are looking to get involved in a high-energy activity that will keep your stress at bay, try one of our many cycling classes.

9 Benefits of HIIT Classes



Yoga is one of the most well-known stress-reducing exercises. It is a blend of physical activity and meditation, using moving and stationary poses, combined with deep breathing. Mayo Clinic advocates for yoga, saying that it can help reduce your stress, lower your blood pressure and lower your heart rate. If you want to join a group of like-minded people, attend one of our many yoga classes.

Health Benefits of Yoga

Tai Chi

tai chi

Similar to yoga, tai chi is a series of self-paced, flowing body movements and breathing techniques. Tai chi can help build bone density, lower blood pressure, boost the immune system and ease the symptoms of conditions like heart failure, arthritis, and fibromyalgia. If tai chi sounds like something you would enjoy, try our BodyFlow class, which is a pre-choreographed blend of yoga, tai chi, and pilates.



Pilates is an anaerobic, stress-relieving exercise that uses a series of controlled movements and mat exercises designed to build your strength, flexibility, endurance, and heighten your mental awareness. On top of relieving stress, pilates is perfect if you are also looking to tone your body. Pilates releases the tension in your muscles while simultaneously incorporating breathing techniques, providing your brain with more oxygen. Try our Fusion class for a blend of yoga and pilates.

Why Keeping an Exercise Routine is Important



Dancing is not for everyone, but if you are a fan of dancing, why not make it into a fun, stress-relieving workout? Dancing provides an outlet for self-expression and assists in weight loss, building muscle, improves heart health and strengthens muscles. Check out our Funk, Zumba, and Aqua Zumba classes to get your dance fix.

Get outside

exercise outside

Numerous health benefits come with being outdoors. Take a bike ride, go for a run, walk along a lake, or hike through the woods and watch your mood improve and your mind clear.

Tips for Maximizing your Outdoor Workout



Believe it or not, gardening is not just a hobby, it is also a workout. A 2011 Netherlands study found that gardening can lead to a positive mood and promotes relief from acute stress. On top of being a stress reliever, gardening also burns anywhere from 150 to 300 calories after about 30 to 45 minutes.



Kickboxing is an intense workout that burns a lot of calories and helps you maintain a high metabolism. It helps reduce stress through proper breathing techniques, builds confidence and giving you an instant energy boost. Attend one of our Body Combat, Kickboxing or Boxx classes to instantly reduce your stress and boost your energy.

Stress relief is just an activity away. However, if your stress stems from an underlying mental illness, consult with your doctor.

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