March To Good Health

It’s hard to believe that spring is finally here! A long winter can sometimes be difficult to overcome, especially if it forced you to shut down some or all of your fitness routine. Or maybe you’d like to adjust your regimen to account for the better weather we have coming up. Luckily, we’re here to help in more ways than one. Below are some tips for getting back into the gym as well as transitioning some of your workouts for the spring season if you are one who likes to take advantage of the outdoors.

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Tips For Getting Back To The Gym

Start Slow

If you have had some time away from the gym, you can’t expect your fitness level to be in the same place it was when you were more of a regular. That’s not to say that you’ll never reach that level again, but it is going to take some time. You can still push and challenge yourself during your workouts, but don’t overdo it. Be patient and work with what you have and you will be back to normal in a few weeks.

Bring A Partner

If you’ve set your exercise goals but are having a hard time following through with them, you may want to get a workout buddy. There’s nothing like the motivation of a friend to keep you going while you’re working out, and having someone there with you will hold you accountable and help you stick to your goals. With the XF Orange Card, you get unlimited guest privileges! Upgrade here.

Consider Working With A Trainer

Coaches are excellent for many reasons, but one of the most important things that a fitness coach can help with is helping you reach your goals. They will use their expertise to examine your fitness level, health history, and goals to design a custom plan that works for YOU and provides real results. And even if you just commit to a month of personal training, this will be a sure-fire way to get you back on track.

Moving From Winter Workouts To Spring Workouts

This section is mostly applicable to those who like to take advantage of the outdoors for some of their exercise. Getting a run or a bike ride outside is a great way to keep up with your cardio if you don’t have time to drive to the gym. In the winter, however, you may run into obstacles like ice, snow, and bitter cold. We’ve been thrilled to have you at the gym doing your cardio, but we understand if you’d like to have an occasional run or jog outside. Here are a few tips for transitioning at least some of your fitness for the spring season.

Wear Sunscreen

Even if it isn’t too hot out, sunny weather can still damage your skin if you’re exposed for too long. With the temperatures rising above freezing, you may be inclined to break out the short sleeves. Just remember to apply a light layer of sunscreen to protect your skin from UV radiation. It’s true that the sun’s light isn’t as intense as it will be in the summer, but this is still a smart precaution to take.

Gradually Increase Your Progress

Say you’ve had a bit of a layoff over winter. That’s okay, we all go through stretches like that! If you’re going out to run for the first time in a few weeks or even a few months, don’t overdo it. Your body needs to be conditioned and making incremental progress is the best way to do that. You can start by jogging just one or two miles per day and working your way up, or you can try doing sprint-jog-walk intervals. This will up your heart rate more quickly and still give you a short rest you might be craving. Trying interval training like that is an effective way to condition your body for more long-distance running.

Join A Race

What better way to symbolically start (or restart) your fitness journey than a little competition? See what kind of 5K races are going on in your area during the spring season. Recruit your friends and family and make it an outing! 5K walk-runs don’t require the same preparation as half-marathons or full marathons, so there shouldn’t be as much pressure leading up to the race. Not only will a 5K help to get you conditioned, completing it would be a huge boost to your confidence and morale!