What Are the Benefits of Kickboxing?

Combat training is a unique and enjoyable form of working out. It’s also something the average gymgoer probably hasn’t done a whole lot of. At Xperience Fitness, you can get involved in our combat classes and learn more about what we have to offer here! For now, though, we’d like to focus on a few of the benefits of combat training and why you should consider it to be part of your regular regimen.

Benefits of Kickboxing and Combat Classes


Throwing punches at a heavy bag will take more out of you than you might think. And if you sustain punches for thirty seconds at a time consistently, it can have a tremendous effect on your cardiovascular endurance. Cardio workouts are often the most taxing and can even be the most boring, but kickboxing/combat training puts a new spin on cardio so you don’t just have to run on a treadmill for a half hour.

Muscle Toning

While weightlifting is still the best way to bulk up, combat training will certainly tone your muscles and help improve definition. Your arms will feel like Jell-O after an intense combat session, and that soreness will only lead to greater muscle definition. Be sure not to skip the weights though, because those will be your best bet for building lean muscle.

Stress Relief

Perhaps most importantly, combat training allows for a serious escape. Working out is inherently good for your mental health, but something about slamming jabs and crosses into a punching bag can make a world of difference. Crappy day at work? You can’t knock out your boss without going to jail, so why not throw a few haymakers at a punching bag with a picture (metaphorical or otherwise) of your boss’ face on it instead? You will feel a hundred times better, we promise.

Enhanced Agility

Even though our punching bags are stationary, you yourself are not. Add in some footwork, ducks, and dodges to really make the most of the training session. Consistent movements like that will increase your agility, something professional boxers strive for. Give it 100% and you will get 110% back!

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