6 Surprising Things Making You More Tired
Trying to get the recommended hours of sleep can be exhausting. Between work or school, housework, making dinner, and allowing yourself time to relax, it can seem like there simply are not enough hours in the day. What is even more frustrating is if you are doing everything correctly; you are not working too much or too late, you go to bed at a reasonable time, you unplug with enough time before bed, yet you still wake up feeling like you barely slept a wink.
You may not realize it, but there is probably something in your routine making you tired. You may be amazed to see how changing a few small habits can revolutionize your sleep.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need to sleep at least seven to nine hours a day while teenagers need eight to ten hours and elderly adults need seven to eight. If you know you are hitting your sleep goals but still feel exhausted and fatigued, checking in with your primary care physician may help. Chronic fatigue can be a sign of a variety of health issues and can be easy to treat when diagnosed. While there are a multitude of reasons you may be feeling more tired than normal, here are six surprising reasons you may not have thought of.
Your bag is too heavy
Bags are an incredibly convenient way to carry all of your essentials. But our bags are often filled to the brim with things that prepare us for literally any situation possible. Yes, you may need that Neosporin, box of bandaids, stain-eraser pen, three packs of gum, 10 pens, two pairs of sunglasses, and book. But, sadly, you are not Mary Poppins or Hermione Granger with a magic bag, and those extra items add up quickly and could literally be weighing you down. To make sure a heavy bag is not affecting you and putting excessive strain on your shoulders, neck, and back, make sure you are switching sides throughout the day and giving yourself a break to set it down.
Your caffeine addiction is catching up to you
If you are exhausted and pushing to make it through the 2 p.m. slump, a few cups of coffee may seem like a good idea. But, drinking too much coffee can affect your body in a few different ways. First, caffeine dehydrates you, and when you are dehydrated, your body begins to work overtime just to keep functioning, making you more tired. So pair every cup of coffee you drink with a cup of water. Then, too much caffeine, even for people who live off of it, can make it harder to fall asleep at night, making you more tired the next day. You may just be stuck in a neverending caffeine cycle.
Your clothes are putting you to sleep
Your brain is a powerful tool, even when you would rather it not be, like in this case. Research shows that if your clothes are too comfortable and soft, your body starts to think it is bedtime. If you are not required to wear office clothes every day and find yourself feeling exhausted, check what you are wearing. Changing your clothes can trick your body and mind into waking up.
You are eating too much fruit
You always congratulate yourself when you reach for the apple over the donut, but fruit will still cause you a bit of a sugar crash, albeit less than a donut would. Pair a piece of fruit with a handful of nuts since the protein and fats help to process the fruit’s sugar.
You are stressed
Being stressed out is an all too common feeling. While avoiding stress at home and work can be difficult, it does take a significant toll on your body. Feeling stressed can almost feel like a burst of energy, especially when it is the form of beating a major deadline, but it is actually destroying your sleep, making you more tired. To relax, try to take 15 minutes a day to meditate or find time to do your favorite self-care activity.
Your friends are stressed
Over-empathizing could be interrupting your sleep. Whenever you take on your friends’ problems in an attempt to help, it can have an effect on your stress levels and sleep quality. Make sure to set boundaries with your friends and family so you are able to take care of your emotional health, as well.
Getting enough sleep is not only essential for your mental restoration, but it also plays a crucial role in repairing your muscles, especially after a particularly tough workout. Make sure you not only get the hours you need, but the sleep quality necessary to lead a happy, productive day.