5 Breakfast Tips for Weight Loss

weight loss tips

5 Breakfast Tips for Weight Loss

One of the most well-worn adages that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is not necessarily true; but, if you are a breakfast eater and are looking to lose weight, the way you start your day is incredibly important. Not only does your metabolism get a boost, what you eat will set a nutritious tone for the remainder of your day. 

If you want your breakfast to set you up for sustainable weight-loss, take a look at these five tips.

Savory, not sweet

Many popular breakfasts, like oatmeal with honey and fruit, are very sugar-heavy, which means elevated insulin levels as soon as you wake up, which subsequently results in an energy crash. Plus, having sugar first thing in the morning leads to sugar cravings later in the day. 

Instead, eat something more savory, like sausage and a veggie hash, or whole-wheat toast topped with egg and avocado.

Focus on protein

Out of the three macronutrients, protein is the most satiating and helps signal your brain that you are full. So, by the time 11 o’clock rolls around you will not be so ravenous you eat your lunch early. Eating more protein has additional benefits, like avoiding muscle loss when you are trying to lose weight. Try to hit 20 grams of protein at breakfast. 

Go for calorie-dense foods

Include foods that are high in volume compared to their calories. Not only will they keep you full for longer, but they can also help you adhere to your calorie needs and goals. High-fiber foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, boiled potatoes, and cooked whole grains will do the trick. 

Do not drink your calories

Coffee is a morning essential for many, but adding flavored creamers, sugar, and oils or butters takes your morning coffee and turns it into a dessert. Try drinking your coffee black with a splash of milk, it will take a little bit to get used to but you will learn to love – or tolerate – it, especially knowing you are not sabotaging your calorie goal. 

Put it on a plate

Breakfast is often consumed on the go, but if it is possible, sit down when you eat. Seeing your food on a plate or bowl causes you to be less likely to overeat and increases your meal satisfaction.