8 Reasons You Should Be Working Out Regularly

exercising and health

8 Reasons You Should Be Working Out Regularly

exercise for health
Exercise benefits not just physical health. Benefits also come in the form of internal and mental.

Working out does more than tone your body and increase your self-confidence. It has numerous internal benefits that can transform your life and stave off short-term sicknesses and life-threatening diseases.

Here are 8 exercise benefits that go beyond aesthetics.

Reduces blood pressure

Chronic hypertension is the number one form of heart disease. Its causes include increased plaque in the arteries, built up from consuming a high-fat diet. Exercise will help you reduce your blood pressure, in part by attacking the plaque in your arteries. As your arteries widen from exercise, more blood will flow through and your blood pressure will begin to drop. The risk of hypertension also decreases because your heart, a muscle, is getting a workout when you exercise. The stronger your heart is, the greater its ability to pump blood through your arteries, also reducing your blood pressure.

Lowers Type 2 diabetes

exercise and diabetes

Type 2 diabetes has become a worldwide pandemic. According to the World Health Organization, about 422 million people in the world suffer from Type 2 diabetes. Luckily, diabetes can be treated and its consequences avoided with regular exercise, medication, and a healthy diet. Engaging in regular exercise will improve your body’s ability to metabolize glucose, which is essential to preventing the disease.

Maintains immune functioning

Want to stave off that cold? Your immune system is what protects you from infections and other chemical toxins, while also playing a role in maintaining a healthy response to stress. However, the immune system can get worse with age, but even short-term exercise programs can reverse some of the adverse effects of aging on this crucial system.

Boosts your energy

Avoiding that mid-afternoon fatigue can be remedied with exercise. Exercising causes your body to function better, allowing more oxygen to fuel your body’s cells. You will also feel fewer aches and pains and have greater strength. As a result, you can glide through your daily activities feeling less fatigued, stressed and weary. Exercise also causes your body to release the feel-good hormones, endorphins, which can make you feel more energetic.

Reduces the risk of arthritis

Arthritis is the most commonly experienced chronic illness for older adults, with about 54 million people in the United States suffering from it. Arthritis occurs from abnormalities in the cartilage and outgrowth of bones in the joints. Reducing the risk of arthritis does not require extreme aerobic activity or weight training. Instead, engaging in stretching and flexibility through yoga or tai chi will help reduce the risk of arthritis. These exercises reduce the risk of injury through muscle tears or torn ligaments and, in the process, protects your joints from damage caused by overuse.

Brings about better sleep

While exercising right before bed can hinder your sleep, exercising during the day actually benefits your sleep as soon as the night you exercise. The physical exertion you engage in helps regulate your body’s circadian rhythm. Sleeping better at night also improves your immune system and lowers your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cognitive impairment.

Lowers anxiety

anxious and exercise

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1 in 13 people worldwide suffer from an anxiety disorder, making it the most common mental disorder in the world. Although common, if you believe you have an anxiety disorder, you should consult your doctor. However, exercise is a natural way to lower anxiety symptoms. As previously stated, exercise causes your body to releases endorphins. Endorphins released and anxiety experienced are inversely related, meaning the more endorphins flowing through your body, the less anxiety you will feel. When you exercise, you also shift your focus to the workout, rather than the day’s worries. When you reapproach the day’s problems, you will do it with renewed energy and may be able to figure out new solutions.

Boosts memory

exercise and memory

Do you forget why you walk into a room as soon as you pass through the doorway? Exercise may help. A multitude of studies concludes that regular physical exercise helps your neurons stay in shape, specifically in the memory areas. This is another benefit that you can get without exerting yourself too much. Moderate walking can help your brain’s memory center, the hippocampus, maintain its health and vitality. Your memory also benefits from a lowering of cortisol, the stress hormone, which can be lowered through exercise.

Working out regularly provides so much more than a toned physique, it is essential to your well-being.

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