The duration of one’s fitness journey doesn’t matter as much as the results do. Claudia Cantieri began hers in 2015 and has since lost an impressive 87 lbs! “I never had a moment that made me change,” Claudia said. “I just woke up one day and said I want to be that athletic girl I used to be. I wanted to be a role model for my son.”

But journeys like these often come with speedbumps. For Claudia, the pandemic was particularly challenging on her goals. “The point where I was frustrated and wanted to quit was when covid hit and the gyms all closed,” she told us. “I had no idea what I was going to do. I stopped working out for a little bit and noticed I was gaining weight so I decided to join beach body and start running outside. I would wake up at 5:00 a.m. and run with my dog and do beach body in the winter. I did not want to be back to where I started and that’s why I pushed myself to keep going.”

Claudia credits Xperience Fitness for playing a significant role in her success. “There are such motivational people pushing me at Xperience, especially during T2,” she said. “[There] came a point where my trainer put me on a schedule because I was coming to the gym too much. Who would have thought that would be me?” Claudia also utilized our Fit3D scanner to track her progress, which acted as just another form of motivation for her.

Prior to working out consistently, Claudia suffered from sore knees and back problems. But since becoming a regular, she said, “Now I don’t have any of that joint or knee pain. I can go up a flight of stairs without getting winded and surprisingly my posture is much better than it was when I wasn’t working out. Plus, I’ve gained so much muscle and that makes me feel good.”

As for advice to others on their own weight loss journey? Claudia said, “Keep going, and do not compare yourself to someone else. It will be hard but just don’t give up and if you have an off day, just get back on the journey. We all start somewhere. Do not rely just on the number on the scale! You can do it!”

We love stories like Claudia’s! If you or someone you know may be interested in being featured in our future success stories, send us a DM on Instagram.