Why is water important for weight loss?

You may not think of water as being a vital part of losing weight, but it just might be. Water is the most essential resource your body requires. You can only survive for a few days without it, after all. But why is water important for weight loss? Keep reading to find out!

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How Water Can Help You Lose Weight

Appetite suppressant

Water can act as something of an appetite suppressant, meaning if you fill your stomach with it, you may not feel as hungry as you normally would. Naturally, less hunger can lead to losing weight. High-protein foods work this way, too. Water also passes through the system quickly, thus stretching the stomach. This sends messages to your brain signaling fullness,

Metabolism stimulant

Your metabolism is your body’s natural way of burning calories. Even if you don’t move at all for a whole day, your metabolism can still burn up to 75 calories per hour. Some studies have shown that water can help stimulate your metabolic rate and help you burn more calories even if you aren’t being active.

Waste Removal

Water helps to facilitate the production of urine in your body, which, you guessed it, is largely made up of water. Water also helps your bowels move and keeps stools soft. The more hydrated you are, the easier it is for your digestive system to flush out waste which helps to avoid constipation and bloating. All of this combined can make it easier for you to lose unwanted pounds.

Fat Burning

Increasing your water supply may help the process of lipolysis. Lipolysis is how your body burns fat for energy. One theory of why this is is that water expands cell volume which plays a role in fat metabolism. This has been observed more directly in animals but has yet to be categorically proven in humans.

Regardless of your fitness goals, staying hydrated is essential to maintaining your health! Drink plenty of water all day every day. You will thank yourself for it!

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