What is the 12-3-30 Workout?

women walking on inclined treadmills

The 12-3-30 workout is a pretty straightforward and beneficial way to get exercise. It involves setting your treadmill incline to 12, its speed to 3 MPH, and walking for 30 minutes. For those who are intimidated by endurance training and long-distance running, the 12-3-30 workout may seem very appealing. But it certainly isn’t an easy workout and it has plenty of benefits. Here’s why you should consider doing the 12-3-30.

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Benefits of a 12-3-30 Workout

Right off the bat, the 12-3-30 doesn’t involve running or jogging – two things that many people don’t like doing.

With the 12-3-30, you will still get a great cardio workout without putting the added stress on your joints from running. Walking at such a steep incline will help strengthen and tone your leg muscles too, more so than with traditional jogging.

Other benefits of the 12-3-30 include:

  • Low impact
  • Cardiovascular endurance
  • Fat burning
  • Helps with balance
  • Improves stamina

The 12-3-30 treadmill workout was created by TikTok influencer Lauren Giraldo when she was looking for a simple way to get fit. The workout became immensely popular online, and is sometimes called the Lauren Giraldo treadmill workout. Giraldo says: “I started playing around with the settings, and at the time, my gym’s treadmill had 12 incline as the max. The three miles per hour felt right, like walking, and my grandma had always told me that 30 minutes of exercise a day was all you needed. That’s how the combination started.” Learn more about Giraldo’s treadmill routine here.

Beginner Notes

Talk with your trainer before actually beginning your 12-3-30 workout! If you’re a beginner, it may take some time to get used to. Try a 12 incline level and walk for as long as five to ten minutes if needed. Gradually build up to thirty minutes. You likely will start doing the workout two to three times per week.

If you are nursing a nagging injury, the 12-3-30 workout is a great way to stay active without putting stress on your joints. Running too hard can easily reaggravate a lower-body injury, but the low-impact nature of the 12-3-30 greatly reduces the risk of injury. So, next time you’re at the gym, consider cranking up the incline and slowing down the speed. You can reap all the rewards of a normal treadmill run and more!

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12-3-30 Workout FAQs

How to do the 12-3-30 workout?

To recap the 12-3-30 cardio workout – all you need to do is set your treadmill incline to 12, its speed to 3mph, and walk for 30 minutes. Depending on your fitness level, however, you may choose to alter your speed and incline, or as directed by your coach. NOTE: If you’re a beginner, you should try doing this treadmill routine 2-3 times a week, and less than 30 minutes, building up to 12-3-30.

How many times each week should I do 12-3-30?

Typically, you should do the 12-3-30 workout five days (or more) a week. How many times a week you do the 12-3-30 treadmill routine will depend on whether you are looking for more vigorous exercise or not. If you are a beginner, or you want to prevent injury, you may want to just go with a 12-3-30 workout 2-3 times a week. Sometimes even getting used to the workout with no incline and gradually increasing it is going to be most effective. Please talk with your Xperience Fitness trainer for more details and what your personal workout plan should look like to get the best results and prevent injury.

What is the 12-3-30 workout good for?

The 12-3-30 treadmill workout provides many health benefits, including getting your heart rate up, building endurance and strength, improving balance, and even helping you lose weight. The workout is also low impact. One reason why it’s so popular is because all that’s needed is a treadmill with adjusted settings and the average person can experience health benefits from it!

Contact Us

Is the 12-3-30 trend worth the hype?

Contact us today at one of our locations for more information about this popular routine! We can discuss what your fitness training sessions should look like and how you can incorporate 12-3-30 into your workout. Xperience Fitness has many locations in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Find yours today and become unstoppable!