What Cardio Machine is Best for You?

Cardio workouts often seem like the most daunting exercises in the gym because of their very nature. An intense cardio workout is designed to boost your heart rate to at least 75% of its maximum rate. You might tire more quickly when doing cardio, but it’s an essential part of any regimen. Cardio (or aerobic) exercises help to condition your heart and can help avoid heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. But what cardio machine is best for you? While they all help your heart, each machine is designed a little differently and tailored to different needs. We will break down a few of our most popular machines: treadmills, stationary bikes, recumbent bikes, and ellipticals.

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How Are Cardio Machines Different?


The treadmill is ol’ reliable, isn’t it? If you’re in good health and aren’t dealing with any injuries, running or jogging on a treadmill is about as simple yet effective of a cardio workout as you will find. We won’t pretend like you need to have a treadmill explained to you. Treadmills are the gold standard of cardio machines, and if you’re healthy, they’re a great option to give your heart a workout.

Stationary bike

Bikes offer the same cardio benefits as treadmills but also perhaps a little less impact. This isn’t to say that stationary bikes aren’t strenuous (they certainly can be), but they do offer a little more of a chance to relax if you need a break.

Recumbent bike

Recumbent (or sitting) bikes are great for anyone who may be rehabbing a lower-body injury. These bikes let you sit down fully and pedal with your legs in front of you. Bikes like these result in less fatigue, generally, and offer a larger seat. It may seem like an easy cardio workout, but that’s not always the case. With the right resistance, you can get just as good of a workout on a recumbent bike as you would on the treadmill.


Elliptical machines are special because when used a certain way, they can also provide an arm workout in addition to cardio and lower body. Simply shift the power from your legs to your arms and you will feel the change. Elliptical workouts are also very low-impact compared to running on a treadmill.

So what cardio machine is best for you? We hope you found your answer! Check out the video below for a brief tour of our cardio options!