Tips For Maximizing Your Outdoor Workout

two people running outside

With the warm season in full swing, more and more people are taking their workouts outdoors. And we can’t blame them! Nothing feels better than an outside run with the wind blowing through your hair. That said, there are some things you should remember if you’re taking your exercise to the wilderness.

Hydrate before AND after

One of the biggest mistakes people make in the summertime is hydrating when it’s too late. What you should do is give your body plenty of water prior to exercising. This will prevent dehydration in the first place and allow you to get the most out of your workout. If you will be exercising for an extended period of time outside, bring water with you to stay hydrated. And then, of course, be sure to drink plenty of water after working out to regain water lost in your sweat.

Go out in the morning or evening

The hottest temperatures normally hit between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Outside of that timeframe, however, the air and ground temperatures will either be rising or falling. This is when you should take advantage of the outdoors. Also, avoid as much direct sunlight as possible and try to exercise in shady areas on especially hot days. Heat exhaustion is all too real and it can lead to serious health concerns including death.

Full body outdoor workout

Don’t go too hard

When it’s 90 degrees outside, it’s probably best to find your way to your nearest Xperience Fitness instead. Don’t push your limits and put yourself in harm’s way. If the temperature is bearable, still be careful and monitor your heart rate. It can be dangerous to go overboard when you’re outside and away from others. Know your limits, stay within them, and work hard. It’s that simple.

Find the right attire

On hot days, skin-tight clothes will only keep you from cooling down. Normally, it’s best to wear loose-fitting clothes aside from any compression undergarments. Basketball or running shorts and a large t-shirt or cutoff is perfect for a hot, sunny day and it will let your body breathe and stay as cool as possible.

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