How To Set An Effective New Year’s Resolution

If you’re like many other Americans, you have probably fallen short on your New Year’s resolutions in the past. You get all excited to make changes to your life, then by Valentine’s Day you’ve abandoned your goals. This happens because people don’t know how to properly set goals. Here, we will give you a few tips for setting your resolutions so you actually keep them!

3 Tips for Setting a New Year’s Resolution You Will Actually Keep

Keep It Simple

Simplicity is key. Don’t overwhelm yourself with multiple goals you can’t keep track of. Think of one or two things you’d like to change or accomplish. The more complicated and convoluted your goals are, the less likely you will be to stick with them. Start with a simple goal of going to the gym more than three times a week. Once you’ve done that consistently, set a new goal for yourself.

Make Sure You Can Measure Success

Set goals that are measurable so you know how you’re doing. Instead of just “eating right,” make your goal “eat three servings of fruit every day.” That way, you can easily determine your success rate by how many days you had three servings of fruit. Make sense? Instead of “working out more” make it your goal to “do five days of cardio each week.” This will be a much easier way to hold yourself accountable and find success!

Start Small

Giving yourself monumental tasks could only disincentivize your hard work. Your ultimate goal may be to lose 50 pounds, but that seems daunting, doesn’t it? Instead, start with baby steps. Try losing five pounds first. Then another five. Then another five. Do this ten times, then you’ve lost 50 pounds! Your goal stays the same, but with this mindset, you might find it easier to reach your ultimate objective.

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