How To Know If Your New Year’s Resolutions Will Stick

With another new year upon us, you’re probably thinking about things you’d like to change about yourself for the better. Most of us set admirable goals every January, but we seem to lose motivation and give up on them by Valentine’s Day. Here, we will offer a few simple tips that should help you reach your goals or, if nothing else, keep you on the right track.

3 Tips For Setting New Year’s Resolutions

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1. Measurability

Make sure the success or failure of your goals is easy to measure. This means you should keep them simple but specific. Instead of “eating better”, make your goal to “eat at least three servings of fruits and vegetables every day.” You can’t easily measure if you’re vaguely “eating right”, but you can take note of how many servings of each food type you’re eating. Instead of “working out more”, make your goal “exercise for one hour at least four days a week.” See what we mean? This method of goal setting will make it seamless for you to determine how successful you are!

2. Start Small

Getting too ambitious with your fitness goals sounds like a good thing, but it can actually lead to more failure than success. Many people find themselves overwhelmed by daunting goals and therefore lose motivation when they don’t reach them quickly. You can have a master goal of losing 50 pounds but think of it as a series of five smaller goals. Try losing ten pounds at a time. Focus on those ten pounds and don’t worry about the rest until you’ve lost those ten. This will make your timeline feel faster, and instead of taking six months to hit your goal, you will accomplish mini-objectives every several weeks.

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3. Planning

Like anything else in life, it’s best to go into the new year with a thorough plan. If you’re going to take yourself seriously, you should have an outline of your goals, how you’re going to reach them, and what you’re going to do differently. Make a checklist so you can hold yourself accountable and take note of dos and don’ts that will determine your success. Your plan should include a support system, too. If you’re trying to get to the gym more, recruit a friend to go with you! If you’re trying to cut carbs from your diet, let others know so they can help keep you on track if you face temptations.

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