Foods to Eat for Weight Loss

Losing weight can be extremely challenging and frustrating. You might feel like you’re doing everything right. You’re working out every day, you’ve cut back on snacking, and still, you’re not seeing the results you hoped for. Diet is the most important part of a weight loss plan, so we are going to go over a few of our favorite (tasty) foods that can aid you in your weight loss goals.

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Ground Rules for Weight Loss

1) Each individual is very different in the amount of food they are allowed to consume based on calories because their basal metabolic rate (BMR) is very different. The amount of each macro-nutrient will also vary according to your goal. Please talk to a trainer before you start any significant dietary change. They will get you set up in the best way possible.
2) There are hundreds upon hundreds of food log methods out there, but here at Xperience, we recommend using My Fitness Pal to track food. It is a very user-friendly app that even has a bar code scanner to log food.
3) Always consult with a trainer and your doctor before making notable dietary changes. Your trainer is not able to prescribe you a meal plan without being a licensed dietitian, so consult with your doctor as well!

Carbs to Eat for Weight Loss

Overall, carbs should be taken to a limit when trying to do any sort of dietary change. Carbs have a tendency to hold weight on the body when the intake isn’t completely used for energy processes in the body. Again, ask your trainer about the amounts you should be eating.

Veggies: Veggies are an amazing carbohydrate! They are generally packed with nutrients and are an amazing source of food for anyone. The nutrient-calorie ratio in most veggies is strongly in favor of the nutrients.

Rice: Eating rice is one of those things you can do before a workout to gain some energy from simple carbs.

Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are a very great source of fiber and tons of nutrients for the number of calories.

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Proteins to Eat for Weight Loss

Proteins are huge when it comes to building muscle as well as losing weight. It takes more energy for our body to break down proteins than it does carbohydrates. So putting more of them in our bodies will then improve our BMR by burning more calories in the consumption of foods. Protein also suppresses your appetite and leaves you feeling full for longer.

Chicken Breast: Chicken breast is a great way of getting your protein intake. It’s easy to make, always tasty, and can be seasoned in a number of different ways, preventing things from getting boring and stale in the kitchen.

Seafood: Fish is an amazing source of protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids. These acids are essential for preserving long-term heart health. Salmon is one of the tastiest and most popular fish to eat. It tends to be fattier, but its benefits far outweigh that. Other great seafood options for protein include shrimp, lobster, cod, tuna, and clams.

Eggs: An easy breakfast item or even a snack during the day, eggs are a great source of protein. Hard-boiled, scrambled, over easy, whatever it may be, they are great! Incorporate eggs into your diet either at breakfast or by having a hard-boiled egg as a mid-day snack.

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Fats to Eat for Weight Loss

Fats are something that many people think are “bad to eat” or “bad for your body”, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Fats are incredible fuel for your body. When you burn one gram of fat, you get nine calories of energy from it.

Avocado: Avocados are an amazing source of healthy fats. They contribute the right kinds of fat for your body to use in the most efficient manner to fuel the fat-based processes within your body.

Almonds: Almonds are a great source of healthy fat as well. They are a simple snack that is very great for you when they are unsalted and natural!

Coconut: Coconut oil for cooking, or even just shaved coconut has tons of fats that are the kinds your body needs to run all of the fat-based processes that your body runs. You will be surprised what will happen when you eat the right fats.


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