5 Ways To Help Anxiety

man walking near waterfall

There is no sure-fire way to treat or cure anxiety. Anxiety disorders are best managed through different channels depending on the individual. Mental health is just as important as physical health, but sometimes it’s hard to know how to care for your mind instead of your body. We have five ways that may help you ease your anxiety, but know that solutions might differ for everybody.

Deep Breaths

Taking a minute or two to inhale and exhale deeply is a simple yet effective way to calm down. It gives you control over something simple – breathing. Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but once you take control of your lungs, you might find relaxation come naturally. Take five-second inhales and five-second exhales for about a minute and see if that calms your nerves.


For some people, physical activity is the best way to calm the brain. Whether you’re a runner or a weight-lifter, exercise can provide a great escape. When you work out, endorphins rush through your body and cause your serotonin levels to rise. Serotonin, of course, is a naturally-occurring chemical that improves your mood. Even just a light walk outside can be enough exercise to provide a calming sensation.

Check Your Thoughts

Often times, our anxieties are fueled by irrational or exaggerated thoughts. You might be dreading a meeting at work or afraid to make an important phone call. Usually, these things that make us anxious are not as bad as we fear them to be. If you can identify what is causing you to worry, it’s good to remind yourself that you will make it through, whatever it is.


Finding an outlet by way of a friend or a counselor is vital for so many people. It’s easy to feel alone and having someone’s ear nearby goes a long way. If there is someone close to you whom you trust, don’t be afraid to open up to them about your anxiety. It can be difficult to talk about, and some would prefer to keep things private. But others have found openness to be an effective way to cope with mental stress.


As mental healthcare knowledge has improved, so have mental health treatments. There is nothing to be ashamed of if your anxiety requires medication to be treated. Just like a physical ailment, there is medicine to help your brain. Be open with your doctor and they will know what to prescribe.

Again, there isn’t one solution that will help everyone with anxiety. It’s all about finding what is best for you!