How to Fuel Your Body for HIIT Training

high intensity interval trainig

Fuel Your Body for HIIT Workouts

High-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short, has become a wildly popular fitness trend in recent years thanks to real results in shorter periods of time and a variety of benefits. With busy lifestyles being the norm, it is not a surprise the trend has taken off.

During this time of increased quarantine due to COVID-19, Xperience Fitness is bringing a live 30 minute HIIT session to you through their Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube channel. It is the perfect high-intensity workout to do at your own home. This session is based off of XF’s 45 minute Q sessions.

Q is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) inspired session. A Q session will get your blood pumping and muscles burning as you push yourself for 45 minutes. One workout will force your body to burn up to 1,500 calories for 36 hours after your workout ends. That means you end up burning about 1 calorie every 2 seconds in the session. But, before you start sweating at home, make sure you properly nourish yourself for this level of activity.

Pre-Workout – Fruit and But Bar

Bars with nuts and dried fruit, like Larabar and Kind, are perfect to fuel up before a session. They not only provide carbs to fuel your muscles, but are also great sources of fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Choose a bar that is about 200 calories with at least 4 to 5 grams of protein and fiber. Watch out for added sugar.

Post-Workout Meal

1 cup cooked vegetables or 2 cups raw vegetables, 1/3 cup cooked quinoa, and 3 oz. cooked chicken

This small meal will not only reduce your post-exercise hunger, but it is also perfect for what your muscles are craving. The antioxidants in the vegetables and the protein in the chicken serve to repair muscle damage and the quinoa’s carbs will restore glycogen.