5 Nutrition Mistakes You Are Making With Weight Loss

5 Nutrition Mistakes You Are Making With Weight Loss

Losing weight can seem nearly impossible, especially when you are putting in the work and not seeing any of the results.

Many of your weight loss frustrations can be attributed to poor nutrition choices. The good news is there are tips to help get you back on track and start seeing the results you have been working so hard towards.

Eating too many or too few calories

It is common knowledge that eating too many calories can lead to weight gain, but eating too few calories can also negatively affect your weight loss.

Eating too many calories
Most of us underestimate and underreport the number of calories we are truly eating. A two-week study conducted by PubMed followed 10 obese people reporting their daily caloric intake. The participants reported they were consuming 1,000 calories per day but lab testing found they were actually consuming 2,000 calories per day.
Even when you are eating healthy foods you still need to watch portion sizes as some healthy foods are still high in calories.

Eating too few calories
Eating fewer than 1,000 calories per day can significantly slow down your metabolism and lead to muscle loss. Muscle is essential to burning more calories.

Choosing low-fat or “diet” foods

Low-fat and “diet” foods can be very deceptive. While they may be low in fat, there is a good chance they contain high amounts of sugar. Incorporate reading labels into your grocery shopping. Instead of grabbing these foods, choose a combination of nutritious, minimally processed foods.

Not getting enough protein

Protein is an essential part of any diet, but it also facilitates weight loss.
Protein reduces appetite, increases feelings of fullness, increases metabolic rate and protects muscle mass during weight loss.
A PubMed study found that a diet containing 30 percent calories from protein ate about 600 fewer calories than when protein made up only 15 percent of their calories.

Not getting enough fiber

Fiber helps reduce appetite and in turn, helps you lose belly fat and prevent regain.
A soluble fiber, known as viscous fiber, helps reduce appetite by forming a gel that holds water, slowing down how fast the stomach releases digested food into the gut.
Soluble fibers are found in plant-based foods such as beans, asparagus, brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, oranges and oats.
Researchers estimate that doubling the daily fiber intake can result in up to 130 fewer calories being absorbed.

Having unrealistic, unhealthy expectations

Having weight loss and health-related goals is so important to keep you motivated. However, harboring unrealistic and unhealthy goals can actively work against you.
Researchers analyzed data from several weight loss center programs and found that overweight and obese women who expected to lose the most weight were the most likely to drop out of a program after 6-12 months.
A healthy goal to follow is losing 10 percent of your body weight in one year. As for a short term goal, aim for 1 to 2 pounds a week.
Having healthy, realistic goals helps prevent frustration and getting discouraged.

Losing the weight you have been striving to drop is only a few nutrition changes away. Consult your primary physician before a drastic change in your diet.