5 Healthy Snacks to Bring Hunting

two men in blaze orange walking by tree and holding rifles

Hunting season is upon us. If you’re an avid hunter, you know your days can be spent waiting around with not much to do for hours at a time. If you go long enough without seeing a worthy deer, you’re probably going to get hungry. Below are a few healthy snacks you should consider packing before you leave for your hunting grounds. It’s probably best to keep these snacks in small Tupperware containers or Ziploc bags to cut down on the noise.

What Are Some Good Healthy Snacks For Hunting?

Beef Jerky

Any kind of jerky is a remarkable source of protein and it will keep you feeling full. Beef jerky, in particular, is popular because of its savory taste. Although it is high in sodium, when snacked on once in a while, its protein content counteracts any negatives.

Trail Mix

If you’d rather avoid the sodium and fat found in jerky, but still get some protein, a trail mix rich in mixed nuts is a great option. Include some raisins or craisins as well for fiber, and you’ll be sitting pretty.

String Cheese

String cheese is perfect for anyone on the go and can easily be stored in your pocket. It includes a good amount of protein and calcium.

PB & J Sandwich

Ah, the classic PBJ. Peanut butter is a wonderful, tasty protein source and somehow when it’s combined with jelly, it’s a marvelous concoction. This classic sandwich has stood the test of time and is the perfect snack for any occasion, no matter your age.

Summer Sausage

If you’d rather have a softer meat option than tough beef jerky, summer sausage is a great option. Heck, why not bring along some venison sausage? Just to give yourself a little reminder of why you’re out there!