Why You Should Walk Instead of Ride on the Golf Course

man and woman walking on course

Golf is one of those sports where physical exercise is limited at best. Any strains you feel are probably going to be more on the mental side than anything else. Still, if you ditch the golf cart and opt to walk, there are some surprising health benefits! Here, we will break down a few reasons why you should consider walking instead or riding next time you hit up the links.

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3 Reasons Why Walking the Golf Course is Better Than Riding

1.) You can walk up to six miles

When playing 18 holes of golf, you will likely walk between four and six miles! That is approximately 10,000 steps, which is the recommended number of steps adults should get in a full day anyway. Walking 18 holes usually takes four to five hours depending on your skill and group size. Exercising this way (by playing a game) comes much easier for some people because it isn’t as monotonous as simply going for a six-mile walk would be. Instead of focusing on your walking, you’re focused on the game at hand. And if you’re a less than stellar golfer, you might get more steps in than usual! See, mediocrity has its perks.

2.) Burning calories

With all of those steps comes the torching of calories. Even though you’re just walking, that movement is enough to burn up to 1,500 calories. Not bad, right? As you probably know, burning calories is a major key to weight loss. If you get a round of golf in a couple of times a week and pair that with a healthy diet, you’ll be setting yourself up for success if you’re looking to lose some weight. Of course, it’s also important to maintain your usual regimen on the side. Golfing can just add another layer to your entire routine, and a fun one at that!

3.) Helps you to stay loose

If you’re even just a semi-regular golfer, you probably know that the pace of play can sometimes be brutal. It can be very frustrating to be constantly waiting for the group ahead of you. If you walk instead of ride, you will give yourself a little more cushion and not have to wait for those in front of you. This is a key to staying loose on the course. By standing around for a few minutes after every shot, your body might stiffen up. Walking itself will keep you loose and will help you avoid waiting for others.

In addition to these benefits, walking is also cheaper than riding! Why not save yourself $10-$15 and get some nice exercise?

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