7 Workouts That Don’t Feel Like Exercise

four friends hiking together

7 Workouts That Don’t Feel Like Exercise

You can find a workout hidden in a lot of fun activities, and what is better than exercising without realizing it? Some of the best workouts will feel like fun and exciting experiences over a day where you have to drag yourself to the gym.

You may be surrounded by friends who keep you laughing and engaged, or you try something new that may be challenging and thrilling, or you play a backyard game. No matter your fitness level, these seven activities will feel far more like having fun than an intense workout.


friends hiking

What better way to burn calories than immersing yourself in the great outdoors? It can be hard to remember hiking is a workout when all you can focus on is the incredible scenery. On top of being a great workout that counts as both cardio and resistance (if you are climbing over rocks or trees), there is evidence that being around nature like plants and trees – especially decaying trees – can help reduce anxiety. Nature reduces anxiety because these plants emit chemicals that slow down the process of their decay which, in turn, appear to slow us down as well. A 2009 study published in Environmental Health and Preventative Medicine found those who took a 20-minute walk in the woods had lower stress levels than those who took the same walk in the city. Another 2016 study found that when young adults went on a 50-minute nature walk they felt less anxious and had improved memory function.


dance class

Dancing is not for everyone, but if you are a fan of dancing, why not make it into a fun, stress-relieving workout? While you are focusing on the moves and having fun, you may not even notice your heart rate increasing and sweat beginning to form. Dancing provides an outlet for self-expression and assists in weight loss, building muscle, improves heart health and strengthens muscles. Check out our Funk, Zumba, and Aqua Zumba classes to get your dance fix.

Jumping on a trampoline

three people jumping on indoor trampolines

Whether you have a trampoline at home or you go to a local trampoline park, jumping around is a great exercise. You can channel your inner child, jumping, flipping, and bouncing off the walls, donning a silly smile on your face, all while burning major calories. After all, jumping on a trampoline for just 10 minutes is equivalent to 30 minutes on a treadmill.

Water sports

man and woman kayaking

Now that the ice has been off the lakes and the weather has warmed up, it is the perfect time to get out on the water. If you do not feel like getting in the water quite yet, take out the kayak, stand up paddle board, paddle boat, or canoe. All of these provide great core, arm, shoulder and leg workouts, depending on which activity you choose. If you want to hop in the water, try wakeboarding, waterskiing, kneeboarding, or even tubing. These will also give you great arm, leg and core workouts.

Yard games

three generations of boys playing backyard soccer

While not as intense as some of the other activities, yard games do count as exercise. Whether you play a rousing game of backyard volleyball or have a competitive cornhole game going, your heart rate will be more elevated than just lounging on the lawn.

Trying a new sport

pickup basketball game

When you try a new sport or participate in a sport you are not entirely used to, you are probably going to focus on the skills you need to learn rather than the exercise itself. Gather some friends and kick around a soccer ball, play a pick-up game of basketball, or hit the golf range.

Rock climbing

woman rock climbing indoors

Rock climbing is definitely an intense workout, but it is easy to forget when all you are focused on is grasping the next hold and reaching the top of the wall or cliff. Using your legs to push yourself up to the next hold and your arms to hold on is a great way to torch calories. Rock climbing is also a full-body workout, torching calories while toning your entire arms, shoulders, legs, butt, and abs.