How to Jump Start Your Weight Loss Efforts

new years resolution to lose weight

How to Jump Start Your Weight Loss Efforts

The New Year is officially here, and with it comes setting an abundance of resolutions that you most definitely will stick to this year. But to actually meet the goals you set, you will have to kick bad habits and pick up new, health-conscious practices. 

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions for Americans is to lose weight and go to the gym, coming in at number four and five, respectively, on the list this year, under “Actually doing my New Year’s resolution,” “Trying something new,” and “Eat more of my favorite foods.” However, just because it is a common goal does not mean it is easy to reach. When you have a goal to physically change your body, you have to fully commit, not only physically, but mentally, and will likely need to change many habits. However, any goal is possible with the correct planning, and all you need is two days.

While it is impossible to lose any real weight in just 48 hours, you can kickstart your healthy eating and exercise habits in that time, which are the best ways to facilitate weight loss. 

To start, create a game plan. First, craft a grocery list to buy enough healthy, whole food for five small meals a day. Then, schedule when you will eat and work out. Physically put everything in your calendar so you are more apt to stick to your schedule. 

If you struggle to hold yourself accountable with workouts, there are a few options. Signing up for a personal trainer will not only keep you accountable, but will educate you on all things exercise. (P.s. your first workout with a personal trainer is free at Xperience Fitness.) If personal training is not for you, maybe high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions are more up your alley. These sessions are pre-designed so all you need to do is show up and put in the work. Or, if you like variety and a sense of camaraderie, group classes might be the right fit for you. Of course, you could always mix all three for a perfectly planned week of workouts. 

Once you have your workouts and meals decided and scheduled, you will be much less likely to succumb to “cheat” days or skip essential gym days. If you need an extra incentive, try buying some new workout gear, the clothes or shoes may act as a catalyst between the mind and body to not only increase motivation, but improve performance. 

If your only goal is to lose weight, try expanding it to include goals that have nothing to do with weight loss, as well; such as, completing a 5k, doing an unassisted pull-up, going to the gym four days a week, only allowing yourself one “cheat” meal a week. Having these goals will keep your healthy habits going even if your weight loss goals are not coming as quickly as you would like. Now, go out and start working towards your goals, because this year, you will actually reach them.