How to Stay Hydrated in the Heat

man drinking water after exercise

How to Stay Hydrated in the Heat

We need water to survive, so forgetting to drink it sounds as ridiculous as forgetting to breathe right? Yet there is still a dehydration epidemic. According to a 2015 Harvard Study, nearly 55 percent of kids aged six to 19 years old are dehydrated. This problem is not just limited to kids, it has been reported that 75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated. 

Now, you will not die if you are a little dehydrated, but it does have a massive impact on every bodily function. That midday fatigue? According to doctors, the number one cause is dehydration. Feeling like you cannot concentrate or your short-term memory is non-existent? Also caused by dehydration. Seeing fewer gains in the gym or not performing your best? This could also be caused by dehydration.

In the summer months, it is especially difficult to stay hydrated when you are losing so much fluid through sweat. So if everyone is so dehydrated, how do you know you are actually hydrated? It is relatively easy, your urine should be a straw color or clear. The darker your urine, the more dehydrated you are. But there are other, less-obvious signs you may need to refill your water bottle. Check to see if you have any of these five signs of dehydration.

You are hungry

Many people think they are hungry when they start feeling fatigued. This is because when your body needs water, it does not care where you get it from. Meaning a food source will quench its thirst, but so will a glass of water. However, it is harder (and the more calorie-dense option) to get hydrated through food. Try drinking a glass of water before eating to see if it quenches your “hunger.” 

You have constant “morning breath”

woman checking her breath

Saliva production is one of the first things to get cut when you are dehydrated. Less spit means more bacteria, and more bacteria in your mouth means smellier breath. 

You are easily agitated

If you find yourself feeling more angry, annoyed, depressed, or frustrated it may be because of your water levels. Researchers found that women who were just one percent dehydrated felt the aforementioned negative emotions more than the women who drank enough water during the lab test. 

You are a little unfocused

teen sitting at desk not concentrating

Studies show the number one cause of midday fatigue is dehydration. Researchers have found that those who were mildly dehydrated during the experiment performed worse on mental tasks, felt like they wanted to give up and had a harder time making decisions. 

You have a headache

woman sitting in front of computer with headache

The frequency of headaches increases when you are dehydrated. Dropping water levels could decrease the amount of fluid surrounding the brain, giving it less padding and protection, making small bumps and movements feel much larger.

Now that we know the signs of dehydration, how do we make sure we never experience them? Here are three ways to avoid getting dehydrated.

Drink a glass of water in the morning

Sleeping six to eight hours a night is a big portion of the 24-hour day that we are not consuming any water. When you wake up your body is in a state where it is the most dehydrated. Have a full 8-ounce glass as soon as you wake up to get your body and organs to wake up as well.

Limit your coffee intake

Many people in America drink multiple cups of coffee a day. But coffee is a diuretic so you are losing more fluid than you are gaining. Coffee should be limited to one cup a day and followed by a glass of water.

Only water is water

Other liquids, like juice, sports drinks, soda, coffee, tea, etc. are not substitutes for water. A lot of juices and sodas will have high sugar or fructose, so if you are going to drink a soda, drink a glass of water after.