6 Exercises to Strengthen Your Heart

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According to WHO, cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death globally, which is why it is extremely important to seek ways to strengthen your heart to avoid such diseases. Because, we all know that without a healthy heart, we can’t survive too long. 

Although having a well-balanced diet, reducing stress or avoiding bad habits like alcohol and nicotine can greatly contribute to heart health, doing exercise on a regular basis is the best way to strengthen your heart. According to experts, if you don’t exercise regularly, then you are twice as likely to develop heart disease than a person who does.

Especially those who have certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure and those who have a family history with cardiovascular disease should be physically active throughout their lives. 

Keep reading for the 6 best exercises that strengthen your heart!

1. Walking

Walking might be the most underrated form of exercise out there. For many, it is not even an exercise. But, having a regular walking habit can strengthen your heart. Walking is recommended by doctors particularly to those who suffer from hypertension and diabetes. What makes walking an appealing form of exercise is that it can be performed at any age. Even elderly people can perform it with ease because walking doesn’t force joints and also doesn’t require too much physical strength. Additionally, it is free and can be done almost anywhere.

2. Swimming

Many might think that swimming is an activity that people do only in the summer months. According to experts, swimming is one of the best exercises for human health, mainly for heart health. Swimming is best for your heart because it makes the heart larger, making it more efficient in pumping blood. It is also easier on the joints since it is not a land-based exercise.

3. Cycling

It is difficult to stay active during the day due to certain factors like having a full time job or taking public transportation. But, even a small amount of time can make a difference in terms of heart health. Cycling is among the most suitable forms of exercise for the heart. This is because almost every muscle is used while cycling. Leg muscles are worked the most – for pedalling – but the abdomen and back muscles stabilize the body, while the shoulder-arm muscular system supports you at the handlebars. Cycling builds strength all over the body, and as your core muscles improve, so does your balance.

4. Yoga

Because it seems like a practice for mental wellbeing, many people underestimate the health benefits. While it is correct that regular yoga practice helps individuals overcome emotional problems, it is also good for heart health. This is because yoga includes a series of movements that increase physical strength and flexibility as well as breathing. Since yoga strengthens muscles and lowers stress, it can strengthen your heart, if performed regularly.

5. Weight Training

Sometimes, we may forget the fact that the heart is also a muscle. Therefore, keeping this muscle as strong as possible can promise you a healthy life. If you aren’t a fan of cardio, weight training can help you achieve heart health. According to a report done by Harvard Health, weight training can be an effective way to avoid heart problems. Keep in mind that weight training isn’t only lifting heavy weights in the gym; it also includes training with your body weight.

6. Dancing

Last but certainly not least, this one can be the most entertaining form of exercise to strengthen the heart. According to experts, dancing, on a regular basis, can be good for your heart health. Considering that dance is a little more intense physical activity than swimming or cycling and can also increase social interaction, which can reduce stress and anxiety – it can be a good choice to strengthen your heart.