PJ’s story actually starts almost 25 years ago when he and his wife first met. He was between 450 and 475 lbs, but he knew he could do better for himself.

He lost some weight for his wedding and around his 5 year wedding anniversary he worked really hard and got his weight down to 190lbs!

However, life happens, and he eventually gained weight back and was around 325lbs. A good friend of PJ’s was only 31 years old and suddenly died of a heart attack. It was a wake-up call for PJ and motivated him to start getting serious about losing weight.

Since October, he’s lost 75lbs and now weighs 250lbs!

His Workout + Diet

3x a week – weight training

5-6x week – cardio for 30-60 minutes

PJ’s diet consisted of portion control and hydration. He now eats smaller meals throughout the day to keep him full and focused. He cut soda and switched to water keeping him hydrated for his workouts.

He did not work with a trainer full-time. PJ had some help from Personal Trainer Tai who would help him write his fitness plan and they would check in every few weeks. “You need to have the determination to do what they’re telling you to do and following through with it.”

What Inspired You to Start?

In the fall of October 2015, Xperience Fitness had its Fall Fitness Challenge and PJ saw his chance to lose weight again. He knows the hard work it takes to lose the weight and keep it off. The Fall Fitness Challenge would keep him motivated to keep going even when he hit obstacles.

PJ’s lost weight in the past – he knows he can do it. What really inspired him to start his journey is humbling.

I was hoping that when friends, family, and co-workers saw me and they saw how much weight I was losing that it would help inspire them to start.

What Was the Toughest Moment?

PJ worked through two tough moments. When he had to start cutting poor eating habits and experiencing pain with tough workouts.

It’s about rationalizing the right amount of foods to eat. I’m still going to eat pizza, but now I know that I need to eat a smarter portion.

After a tough workout working muscles that haven’t been worked before, there would be some pain. Luckily, PJ was able to keep going through the tough moments to reach his weight loss goals!

Motivation to Succeed

PJ thrives on competition. He was continually in the top 5 throughout the Fall Fitness Challenge and keeping his top spot is what kept him motivated. “The people behind me in the competition motivated me to keep working so they wouldn’t overtake me!”

PJ ended up in second place of the Fall Fitness Challenge – losing by only a couple pounds.


  1. Stay Positive

Give yourself small rewards for starting and achieving. Make sure you stay positive that even when it’s tough you’re still doing something great for yourself.

  1. Always Keep Your Goals in Mind

Always keep the big picture goal in mind, but also have smaller goals to achieve along the way. Having only one big goal can feel defeating when you have setbacks. There will be weeks when you only lose a little weight or none at all. Setting smaller goals throughout your journey will keep your motivated and positive.

  1. Let Your Family and Friends Support You

Let your family and friends know about your goals so they can support you. When a friend or coworker asks, “How much weight have you lost?” It helps keep you on track because you want to give them a good answer!

His Long UNSTOPPABLE Journey

Looking back on all the years, it’s been a long journey. But very worth it.

Now PJ is living a better, healthier life! He now has more energy, he doesn’t sit in front of the TV and computer as much, and best of all, he finds himself less stressed.

He works out in the mornings before heading to work refreshed and ready for the work day.