Monica’s #UNSTOPPABLE Journey

weight loss journey
Luttman lost 16 pounds and 2 inches in her waist.

As Monica Luttman approached 50, she was not happy with the way she looked or the way she felt. Luttman could see her body becoming more “middle-aged” and less toned, on top of experiencing severe shoulder and knee pain, and vowed to make some lifestyle changes.

For the last one and a half years, Luttman has taken her health into her own hands and started to workout with a personal trainer, Katie Lupkes, with two goals in mind: to look healthy and toned and to avoid surgery on her shoulders and knees.

Luttman, only wanting to lose 25 pounds, was not missing out on the activities she enjoys, like dirt biking and snowboarding, but she also was not able to fully enjoy them, either. Her kids, aged 27, 24, 22, 16, and 15, also love extreme activities and Luttman wanted to be able to keep up with them.

“After strength training, conditioning and weight loss, I can board with my kids and ride dirt bikes with them,” Luttman exclaimed.

Now, after one and a half years of training, Luttman not only feels great, she also loves the way she looks.

“When I see a picture of myself now, I don’t cringe,” Luttman expressed. “I don’t hide when posing for pictures. I sleep better, most nights with no more shoulder pain. I can run 3 miles without stopping in about 35 minutes. I can lift anything I want to (2 stacked softener salt bags, etc) without trouble.”

Lupkes has helped Luttman tremendously with her training. Because Luttmnan enjoys riding dirtbikes, Lupkes focused on increasing her wrist and forearm strength. Now, with her wedding coming up, Luttman’s training has been focusing on waist-whittling, arms and back so she can look as great as she feels in her dress. Along with focusing on exercise, Lupkes also helped with Luttman’s nutrition. Previous to beginning her health journey, Luttman would drink two to three beers a night, but then realized it was contributing to her bloat and excess weight.

“She doesn’t scold me if I have a fun weekend, but when it shows up in my measurements will gently remind me that it is ‘probably the alcohol,’” Luttman said. “I appreciate her gentle approach to accountability. She understands that at my age I am also dealing with hormone changes, which can affect my weight. It can be very frustrating to behave and still not lose weight, or even gain. She is patient and kind, which is invaluable.”

Now, Luttman has about nine pounds to lose before reaching her goal weight and has plans to keep up with her changed lifestyle for long after. Being over 50, Luttman knows her body will need to be cared for differently than when she was 30.

“I cannot just ‘do more cardio’ like I did when I was 30,” Luttman expressed. “That is not effective at my age. It is a combination of strength training, cardio, and diet. I am patient with myself, knowing that I will not look like a size 2 (nor do I want to!).”

Luttman is more motivated than ever and will continue to make and meet new health and fitness goals.

Results vary by person.