elderly woman standing next to her trainer after working out

Melinda’s #UNSTOPPABLE Journey

Melinda “QGranny” Grabowski started exercising regularly in 2018, just a few years after her 60th birthday. Grabowski suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia. These ailments, along with her weight, made it difficult for Grabowski to make the most of her time with her five grandchildren, which are her main inspiration for getting healthy. Since beginning her exercise journey, Grabowski has lost 35 pounds. 

The birth of “QGranny”

In 2018, Grabowski started her Xperience Fitness journey, weighing in at 198 pounds with the goal to get down to 140 pounds, with coach Matthew Balsavich. Grabowski and Balsavich trained one time a week for a few months but, due to financial circumstances, Grabowski had to stop training. However, despite this bump in the road, Grabowski prevailed and continued her weight loss journey in the Q Experience, Xperience Fitness’s HIIT-inspired sessions.

“Melinda’s big personality made her the center of our Q Community!” Balsavich expressed. “In the Q, she is commonly known as the ‘QGranny’ and everybody loves her. She comes to Q every single day and has continued to lose more and more weight.” 

Before working out, Grabowski’s illnesses were far worse and her self-esteem was suffering. 

“I didn’t like looking into the mirror at my heaviest weight,” Grabowski admitted. “I have always been the ‘chubby’ one in my family and I hated it, but as I continue to work on the weight loss and getting in better shape, I am starting to be really impressed with myself.”

Now, her illnesses are more tolerable, her self-esteem is higher, and she feels like she can conquer anything she puts her mind to. 

“I have lost 30 plus pounds so far,” Grabowski exclaimed. “When I started I didn’t think I would stick with the exercises or watch what I eat, but I realized through my process is that keeping the weight off is my new lifestyle and I love working out in Q.”

As for future plans, Grabowski plans to live forever, continue embracing her healthy lifestyle, and educating others with chronic illnesses. 

“I have had other members at the gym tell me that I inspire them with my ‘don’t quit determination,’” Grabowski explained. “I think I want to continue that and maybe address people with arthritis and fibromyalgia [tell them] that if they don’t use it, they will lose it.”