man in weight loss photo

Matt’s #UNSTOPPABLE Journey

After going to his yearly physical in February, Matt Mogden decided it was time to change his habits and, in turn, his life. Mogden returned to the gym after a hiatus in mid-March and tried getting back into his normal gym routine, but found himself getting increasingly bored with the monotonous regimen. It was when Camren Crouse, the Q lead at Xperience Fitness Racine at the time, introduced Mogden to the Q Experience that he began enjoying exercise and his weight loss took off. Now, 4 months later, Mogden is down 30 pounds. 

From a physical to getting physical

At his yearly physical, Mogden was relieved to find out he had been cleared to stop taking his blood pressure medication. However, Mogden’s doctor informed him his cholesterol was elevated and in order for him to stay off those medications, he would need to lose at least 20 pounds and start taking better care of himself. As he had just turned 31, Mogden decided this was his opportunity to turn a new leaf and lead a healthier lifestyle. 

The turning point

matt mogden in his before weight loss photo
Matt Mogden found himself going to the gym less and less. When his doctor told him he had elevated cholesterol, Mogden knew he had to make some changes.

Working out quickly became repetitive and dull for Mogden. He would often find himself having to go to the gym instead of actually wanting to. So, in an effort to try something new, he joined the Q Experience, 45-minute high-intensity interval training sessions. 

To help him find his motivation again, Mogden decided to look into a personal trainer. This is when he was introduced to Crouse and the Q room. 

“Cam told me what Q was all about and it sounded like exactly what I was looking for so I decided to sign up,” Mogden recalled. “I immediately felt like part of the ‘Q family’ and enjoyed learning and doing some new exercises in my very first Power session. After the first session, I looked into doing that and Combat on my days off from work. After about a month I was ready to add the Base session to my new routine.”

It was not just learning new exercises that kept Mogden coming back, he finally found his motivation.

“I am very grateful to be part of the Q class and the Q family!” Mogden exclaimed. “There is nothing better than getting motivation from other members as well as helping to motivate them too.” 

Now, Mogden finds himself excited to exercise and head to the gym, a feeling that had been missing from his life for quite some time. 

Frustrations and successes

Right off the bat, Mogden realized Q and his efforts were paying off when he burned 748 calories in just 45 minutes during his first session. 

“I feel great about that and also very accomplished after getting through a tough, but fun, workout and was immediately sold from there,” Mogden said.

While Mogden said he has not gotten truly frustrated with any part of his journey, sticking to a low-carb diet has been difficult for him. However, because he knew a low-carb diet would help him reach his goal, Mogden did not give up. 

Now, Mogden has noticed a significant increase in his endurance, stamina, and energy. On top of feeling incredible, in just two months of going to Q and a following a low-carb diet, Mogden is down over 20 pounds and is in the best shape of his life. 

“I not only enjoy my new found motivation to strive for my best in the gym, I also use it to do my best in everything I do outside of the gym!” Mogden expressed.

To continue this feeling of success and motivation, Mogden plans on continuing with Q classes, personal training, and a healthy, low-carb diet. 

The Murph Challenge

matt mogden in his after weight loss photo
Now, Mogden is 30 pounds down and following a low-carb diet and going to Q sessions throughout the week.

Simply getting in shape was not enough for Mogden, he wanted to do something that would truly challenge him: enter the Murph Challenge.

The Murph Challenge is a worldwide competition in honor of LT. Michael P. Murphy, a fallen Navy Seal. The challenge is a fundraiser for the LT. Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation. 

The workout involves a 1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, and ends in another 1-mile run; all done while wearing a 20-pound vest or body armor. 

“I am all for supporting anything that has to do with those who serve, or have served, this country as well as those who have given their lives,” Mogden said.

When Mogden first heard of the challenge there was an option for completing a “half Murph,” which is half the workout. Initially, Mogden was leaning towards that option because he did not believe he had the full Murph in him. 

“After thinking about it over the weekend I decided that I needed to push myself,” Mogden recalled. “Proving my mind wrong was a huge motivation.”

On Memorial Day, Mogden tried, and completed, the Murph Challenge.

“It was honestly one of the toughest things I’ve ever tried but I completed it!” Mogden exclaimed.

Final Advice

Mogden’s parting advice for those who have just started exercising, want to exercise, or have lost some of their motivation to continue exercising is to find something that works for you and stick with it. 

“I was never one who liked working out with anyone but decided to try a class anyway and found it very helpful and motivational,” Mogden expressed.

Do you have a success story you hope will inspire and motivate others? Email [email protected].

Results vary by person.