young woman weight loss

Mackenzie’s #UNSTOPPABLE Journey

Mackenzie Kaspszak knew it was time to make a change when she looked at herself in the mirror and could not find happiness. So, in the fall of 2017, she began her fitness journey. In the two years since, Kaspszak has gone from weighing 185 pounds and having 29 percent body fat to sitting at 150 pounds and 23 percent body fat. 

When Kaspszak could not find happiness within herself when she looked at herself in the mirror it went beyond just not liking the way she looked, she felt unhealthy. 

“I wanted to feel and look as healthy as possible,” Kaspszak revealed.

In an effort to find happiness again, Kaspszak began working out at Xperience Fitness Roseville. 

“Xperience has something for everyone,” Kaspszak expressed. “They have free weights, cables, machines, classes for everyone, and very friendly and welcoming staff.”

After getting into a steady workout routine, Kaspszak found herself waking up energized and, more importantly, happy. Kaspszak also noticed her routine was working when she stopped trying to hide under bagging clothing and began loving how she felt when she wore tank tops and shorts.

However, Kaspszak’s journey was not without the occasional hurdle. 

“Life can get really busy and sometimes I just didn’t take the effort to make it to the gym or eat the right foods and once I get lazy, I stay lazy until I remember why I started to change my ways and force myself mentally to get back into it,” Kaspszak explained. 

Now, after sticking to her fitness and nutrition journey for two years, Kaspszak is a strong, independent woman who consistently feels happy, energetic, and positive. Not only does Kaspszak continuously make new goals, she makes sure to set new ones right away to keep herself constantly progressing. 

“This keeps my mind motivated to get stronger,” Kaspszak expressed.

Whether you are just starting your fitness journey or have been at it for years, Kaspszak recommends constantly pushing yourself both mentally and physically, even when results are not around every corner.

“The hardest part about any sort of fitness is getting yourself to go to the gym,” Kaspszak acknowledged. “Once you are there, you get done what you came to get done and leave stronger and healthier. Stay positive and trust in the work because seeing or feeling any sort of transformation can take a little bit. Just be positive and strong.”