Ken’s #UNSTOPPABLE Journey

Ken Bailey has always been a big guy, standing 6 feet 9 inches. As Bailey lived most of his life being 6’9” and over 300 pounds he did not realize how much weight he was actually gaining. It was when his daughter made a comment about his weight that he decided to put his health first. Now, just over one year later, Bailey is down 160 pounds and has reduced his body fat from 68 percent to 19 percent.

The moment of realization

man in a before weight loss photo
On March 18, 2018, Ken Bailey decided to take his health back. Bailey is a father of three and did not want his kids to see their father go prematurely, as he did with his father.

Bailey’s life was filled with being unsure if a piece of furniture could hold him and having to shop in special sections. So when he began getting heavier and heavier, he did not pay much attention to it. His weight gain could be attributed to not competing in sports anymore and being a father of three, Bailey said. When Bailey’s daughter made a joke about his weight and found his wife defending him, Bailey decided it was to make a change.

“I was in the bathroom, my oldest daughter (7 at the time) was taking a bath, she looked at me and made a fat joke!” Bailey recalled. “It wasn’t the joke, it was my wife’s reaction to the joke that really hit me.”

Bailey said his wife stormed into the bathroom scolding their daughter for talking to her father in that way. It was when Bailey realized his wife was defending him because the comment was true that he vowed to change.

“Once that hit me, I had one of those movie moments where everything played in my head,” Bailey recalled. “Things like my father dying from heart failure at 600 pounds before even reaching 50. Did I want the same?”

Time of transformation

On March 18, 2018, Bailey started taking the first steps towards his new life.

Bailey’s personality allows him to focus completely when he puts his mind to a task.

“Once I flick the switch I become completely obsessed with whatever it is,” Bailey exclaimed. “My goal and mission comes second to nothing.”

In just his first week, Bailey lost 13 pounds. Losing so much so quickly was a big motivator for Bailey and daily pictures to monitor his body changes kept him focused on his goal.

“I wanted my after pictures to become my new before pictures!” Bailey expressed.

Halfway through his journey, Bailey relocated from Florida to Wisconsin. Even though he moved across the country, joining Xperience Fitness made it very easy for him to not miss a beat with his fitness and health.

Mental and physical progress

The improvements in Bailey’s mental and physical health have been numerous and significant.

Bailey has a new sense of energy, strength, endurance and is now a much happier, better version of himself.

man after weight loss

In 13 months, Bailey lost 160 pounds and reduced his body fat from 68 percent to 19 percent.

Hitting new goals and advice

To keep hitting new goals, Bailey adjusts his macronutrients to fit his current situation and changes his workouts to make sure they challenge him more than the previous week.

A large credit to Bailey’s success was his refusal to set “realistic” goals.

“The first step to success is erasing the word ‘can’t’ from your vocabulary,” Bailey explained. “You can go without sugar! You can go without soda! You can get up at 4 a.m. to hit the gym if need be! You can find the time to prep and train!”

No matter the amount of regular exercise, Bailey reminds that you cannot outwork a bad diet.

“Stay disciplined and make it happen!” Bailey exclaimed.

Final thoughts

“My journey would not have been possible without the guidance of my late friend and former teammate Jonathan Rivera,” Bailey said. “It is because of his help and advice in the kitchen I was able to turn an ordinary journey into extraordinary results! I’m forever grateful to you and hope to change as many lives as I can the same way you changed mine!”

Bailey is a Fitness Coach at Xperience Fitness Hales Corner and encourages you to stop by and take the first steps in changing your life.

Results vary by person.