Like many people, Kelly gradually saw her weight increase over several years. People don’t usually just wake up 60 lbs. heavier, after all. Due to underlying health issues and the pandemic shutdown, Kelly approached “pregnancy weight,” as she put it. “I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror, I had gotten so big. I had to buy a whole new wardrobe,” she told us. “The worst part was the chronic pain.”

Eventually, Kelly had enough. She did her best to change her eating habits, but that alone wasn’t enough. After finding a personal trainer at Xperience Fitness, she finally started to make significant progress. Kelly said, “The weight training was a game changer. I loved learning the exercises with Brandon (her trainer) and he kept my goals and my injuries in mind when we trained.” Accountability is arguably the most important aspect of weight loss, and that is one of the many things our trainers specialize in.

More than a year later, Kelly says she is feeling healthier and happier. “The pain is gone. I feel stronger and have more energy. I no longer need naps,” she said. “The best part is that I dropped four dress sizes and I look better than I ever have.”

Awesome work, Kelly! We love hearing stories like yours and we can’t wait to see what else you accomplish!