body view of woman in underwear

Kaytlyn’s #UNSTOPPABLE Journey

Kaytlyn Oelke began her weight loss journey in January of 2019 and has since lost 35 lbs, with the most significant weight loss and muscle gain over the last 6 months.

She was inspired to lose weight when she realized that she was no longer comfortable with her body after seeing herself in photos, and began feeling more comfortable in her own skin when she realized her clothes began fitting better this fall.

While the pandemic may have put a halt to some weight loss journeys, it did the opposite to Kaytlyn. “The pandemic actually gave me the free time to work towards my goals and form good habits. Xperience has been a huge factor in working towards my goals,” said Kaytlyn. 

“I love coming to the gym and making an effort to go a few times a week. I had a session with Tyler, one of the personal trainers, who helped show me some alternate workouts to help me achieve my goals.”

Learning about consistency and nutrition is what kept Kaytlyn motivated along her journey. “It was such a slow process in the beginning and didn’t feel like what I was doing made that large of a difference. After learning more about nutrition and being consistent with my workouts I started seeing the results I was looking for.” said Oelke.

In terms of how she feels now compared to before she began working out, she reported having way more energy, feeling more fit and healthy, and having better mental health and confidence. Oelke is determined to keep going on her weight loss journey as her fitness goals evolve as she learns. “I believe that you should never stop learning in any aspect of life, this definitely includes fitness and health.”

July, 2020 (left) vs November, 2020 (right)

Oelke wants those who want to start their fitness journey to remember not to give up. “It takes time, just believe that you can do it and do whatever it takes to hit your goals.”