One of the best ways to reach your fitness goals is to work with a personal trainer. Trainers are great at motivating and educating, and they can even develop into friends! For Holly Jordan, a personal trainer played a large role in her own successes. “I have been working with my awesome coach, Paige, since June of 2020,” she said. “I had trained with her previously a few years ago.”

When starting with Paige as her trainer, Holly was at her highest weight of 185 pounds. Over the last six months, though, she has shed nearly 30 pounds! “I feel strong throughout my whole body. I’m thankful for how hard Paige pushes me each session, three days a week,” she told us.

Of course, personal training is a mutually beneficial experience as Paige, too, has loved working with Holly. “Having Holly as a client has been great,” she said. “Out of all my clients I can honestly say she comes in with the absolute best attitude and hands down the hardest work ethic I have seen. She comes in ready to crush the session and always leaves sweating.”

Holly working hard with her trainer, Paige

That kind of encouragement is just what some people need! Everyone knows that fitness journeys have plenty of hills and valleys and they are rarely smooth-sailing. Coaches like Paige, who are enthusiastic and excited for customers, make achieving these goals all the more attainable. “I think Holly’s biggest accomplishment numbers-wise is that she has consistently dropped weight and body fat each and every week we have weighed in,” Paige said. “Another big accomplishment is that she is almost always increasing weight in our exercises out on the workout floor.”

At Xperience, we love to foster relationships like this. We are proud to have both Holly and Paige as parts of our family and we can’ wait to see what else they are able to accomplish together!

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