Fitness journeys are rarely a straight path to success. For Danielle, the course has stopped and started again a few times. Over the last few years, Danielle has had an on-and-off relationship with her fitness goals. She described her biggest issue as the lack of training available for events like 10-Ks and obstacle course races. “In 2019 I did my first half-marathon,” she said. “But, just like the 5-Ks and 10-Ks that came before, I did the smallest amount of training a couch potato could do to classify as training.” Danielle would compete in events like this and barely make it, but she wanted more than that and began working with a personal trainer at Xperience Fitness.

Danielle in 2019

After a few months of personal training, Danielle was well on her way to hitting her 50-pound goal. She and her sister set this goal for themselves with the idea of traveling to Turkey to celebrate their accomplishment. “Traveling, for me, means quick trips to as many places my sister and I can cram into one trip,” she told us. “We spend hours on the go, which for those not in the best shape, can lead to easily tiring out.” Being out of shape caused her and her sister to be deprived of energy during their trip to Japan. Traveling requires energy to keep up, and without it, you might just sleep through your days abroad.

Since joining Xperience, though, Danielle has cut her weight down and is feeling the effects. “Being in shape is going to go a lot farther for when I want to do more events like the Bellin Half Marathon or a Tough Mudder,” she said. “Maybe during those events, I’ll make it through without being asked if I am doing alright by the standby medics.”

Danielle in 2020

As for those who are wondering what they should do about their own fitness journey, Danielle said, “If you’re on the fence about joining, ask yourself ‘why the hell not?’ I do every single day and so far, I have not regretted it once.”

Thank you for the story, Danielle! We can’t wait to see what else you are able to accomplish!