side by side weight loss comparison

When Terry started his fitness journey, he weighed just under 300 pounds in October of 2016. Just over a year later, he was down to 180 pounds, but he still wasn’t satisfied. Over the next few months, he wanted to add muscle. Muscle adds weight, but it’s different than adding weight by way of fat. Terry indeed added muscle and bulked up to 215 pounds!

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Like a lot of people, Terry has been a member of several different gyms. Before he joined Xperience, he was at another local club that was within driving distance from his residence, but when he discovered Xperience, he said, “the atmosphere of Xperience, the variety of machines and free weights gave me more of an opportunity to grow.”

Losing weight and earning the body he wanted has done wonders for Terry. “I can tie my shoes and not feel light-headed,” he said. “I can go to a beach and not feel disgusted. I can walk up a flight of stairs and not feel winded. I can go out and talk to people without feeling like the butt of every joke.” Becoming physically healthier can directly cause you to become mentally healthier, and Terry is a testament to that.

“The best advice I can give someone is to just start,” Terry said. “Don’t worry about what workouts you’re going to do or the different types of diets to go on. Start by eliminating the things that are holding you back. Whether it’s food, a person, drugs, or activities, we may not know what to do but we all know what not to do. So start there, start by eliminating what is holding you back.”

Terry also knows that motivation can be a struggle and said, “Understand it’s not the meals, the gym, the routine that needs to change when starting a life-changing journey. It is your mindset. If you want it, go get it.”

man flexing in mirror selfie

We’re thrilled to have Terry as a part of the Xperience Fitness family and we wish him luck as he continues to trek through his fitness journey!

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