In May 2021, Oscar weighed just over 300 lbs. Hitting the 300 mark is often a wake-up call for people who are unhappy with their weight. Just under a year later, Oscar currently weighs in at 217 lbs. and there are no signs of stopping! Losing nearly 100 lbs. is impressive at any rate, especially when it’s accomplished in under a year.

Oscar was born with prune-belly syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of abdominal muscles. Additionally, he has been a “borderline diabetic” for the last ten years, which contributed to his motivation to lose weight. “There were many days where I wanted to give up and hug my bed, but champions never quit,” Oscar told us.

As for his time with Xperience Fitness, he said, “[Xperience Fitness] has helped me greatly improve my strength and gain muscle with their multiple free weight and strength training machine options.” He went on to say, “Fitness has changed my overall quality of life, not only physically, but mentally, [and] I will be forever grateful.”

Going forward, Oscar said there is still more to accomplish. ” My goal moving forward is to achieve a lifestyle of total fitness for as long as I’m on this earth,” he said. “[I will be] implementing different fitness styles and techniques through the years to improve my body composition and abilities.”

Oscar is also working on his International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) certification to become a personal trainer to help others reach their goals as he has. He is on track to be certified by 2024!

For now, he left this advice for those reading his story: “Stay the course and always find new fun and effective ways to consistently shock the body to prevent body plateau. Most importantly, have fun!”

Stories like Oscar’s are why we love the fitness industry. From overcoming prune-belly syndrome to fighting pre-diabetes to shedding nearly 100 lbs. of unwanted weight, Oscar has achieved so much and we can’t wait to see what else he can do!

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