For a lot of people, working out in front other others outside of the comfort of home can be a daunting task. Christine Williquette was not an exception to this. Before working with her trainer, Maddie Grahovac, at Xperience Fitness in Green Bay, Christine had never been to a gym and always exercised on her own. We love it when our club members take initiative and work out outside of the gym, but sometimes it takes more than that to achieve your goals.

Since working with Maddie in February 2021, Christine has lost 32 pounds and counting! “I could not ask for a better coach that understands my fitness goals and limitations, but pushes me to become better,” Christine told us. Working with a personal trainer has changed the lives of so many Xperience Fitness members.

Keep up the awesome work, Christine! We can’t wait to see what else you will accomplish.