Why Walking On Your Lunch Break is Good For You

two men walking in a park

We all know that crashing feeling we get when 2:00 in the afternoon rolls by during the workday. You only have a few hours left but time just seems to drag. Wouldn’t it be nice to get a little energy boost for the back half of the day? Whether you get a 30-minute, one-hour, or untimed lunch, taking a quick walk outside can do wonders for your mental health and can actually make the day go by more quickly.

Should I go for a walk on my lunch break?

Provided the weather is clement and you have time, yes, you should take advantage and explore the outdoors, even for just a few minutes. For starters, it gives you a change of scenery, especially if you’re used to eating lunch at your desk or in a breakroom. Once you’ve eaten, use the rest of your break time to get fresh air and change the view. On a pleasant day, walking outside releases endorphins which improve serotonin levels and thus relieve stress.

Of course, going for a walk has physical benefits as well. Bring some athletic sneakers to work and treat your lunchtime walk as part of your fitness regimen. You don’t need to build up a sweat, either. In fact, it’s probably best that you don’t. But just a light walk outside and increasing your step count can burn calories and give your leg muscles some easy work to do.

Lastly, as alluded to before, going for a walk in the middle of the day can make the afternoon go by faster. Think of it this way. Instead of going to work for eight or nine hours and then going home, you go to work for four hours, leave for 30 to 60 minutes, then come back for another four hours. It makes the long day feel less daunting, in a way.

Long story short, taking a little walk on your daily lunch break can make you happier and healthier, and it can make the day feel shorter. What else could you ask for?

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