How Pool Workouts Can Ease Joint Pain

If you suffer from arthritis or some other kind of joint pain, you know how difficult it can be to get your workout in. What if there was an easier way to exercise that didn’t put so much stress on your joints? Let us introduce you to the world of water workouts! At Xperience Fitness, we are proud to offer our swimming pools to all customers, especially those whose bodies benefit most from them. We offer numerous water-based classes that are fun and provide participants with a less-bodily taxing form of exercise. Continue reading to learn more.

Water Exercises & Arthritis

Regular exercise is needed in all stages of life, but if you develop arthritis in your later years, it can be very painful to work out like you used to. Pool workouts, however, allow for much easier movements that don’t put nearly as much pressure on your joints, which is our first point:


When you’re halfway submerged in water, your body becomes buoyant, meaning it tries to float. The physics of being underwater aren’t the same as being on dry land, so weight acts differently. Gravity is still pulling you downward, but upward forces are acting on you as well, making movement easier. This is why it’s generally easier to lift something underwater than out of water. All of this buoyancy adds up to provide far less stress on your joints and muscles.

Blood Circulation

Any kind of exercise will help improve your blood flow which will help diminish joint and muscle stiffness. This is another reason why exercise is important for those with chronic joint pain. Since pool exercises come with less physical stress, they are the perfect way to get your blood pumping!

Enhanced Flexibility

In the same vein as above (hey, what a pun!), greater flexibility can help ease the effects of arthritis and chronic pain. The more flexible your body is, the easier it will be to move without the risk of injuring yourself. In addition to pool workouts, try stretching regularly for 5-10 minutes every day to maximize your body’s flexibility.

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