Benefits of Working Out in the Cold

woman in orange running in the cold

It may seem counterintuitive, but exercising outside in the winter can actually have great benefits for your health. While you should keep your weight lifting inside, you might want to consider an occasional outdoor run this winter. Why? Keep reading to find out.

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3 Benefits of Exercising in Cold Weather

More Calories Burned

If weight loss is your goal, you know that the key is a calorie deficit. The more calories you burn, the easier it is to lose weight. As the body works harder to keep its core temperature up when you’re outside in the cold, more calories will be torched. The extent of this varies from person to person, but this rings true for everyone. Think about it; just by trying to stay warm, the body will naturally use more energy (calories). And if you tack jogging on top of that, you will maximize your calorie burning.

Better Heart Health

The heart also works harder when in cold weather. Cold temperatures constrict your blood vessels, which requires your heart to work harder to pump blood throughout the body. However, it should be noted that those with heart problems should avoid strenuous activity in the cold because low temperatures may exacerbate an existing illness. But for regular gymgoers with healthy hearts, cold-weather workouts will help build endurance and strengthen the heart.

Improved Muscle Aerobics

Cold air will cause your lungs to work a bit harder as well. This will naturally improve your oxygen consumption, which is vital during any workout. Your muscles need oxygen to grow and optimal oxygen is essential for heart and brain health. Cold weather helps to deliver more oxygen to the lungs which is then redistributed throughout the body. Studies have suggested that improved oxygen consumption can improve your long-distance running speed by nearly 30%.

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